As businesses prepare for 2025, they focus on AI integration, cybersecurity, compliance governance, user experiences, sustainability, and outcome-driven IT practices.

Modern organisations are increasingly navigating a complex digital landscape as they prepare for 2025, with businesses now prioritising several key areas identified by ManageEngine. These priorities include scaling up AI integration, democratising cybersecurity, implementing a distributed governance model for compliance, enhancing user experiences, embracing sustainability, and focusing on outcome-driven IT practices.

With IT taking a central role in management, it is crucial for businesses to adopt an outcome-driven IT approach. Leading this charge, IT departments are called upon to validate their contributions to business profits rather than being viewed solely as cost centres. According to the report, “CIOs need to closely focus on KPIs and metrics that provide a direct link to the business outcomes that depend on them.” This is especially pertinent within the healthcare sector where safeguarding data and compliance management are paramount. Successful implementation will involve metrics that track user behaviour and ensure the continuous availability of critical assets.

Another significant theme is the transition towards a distributed governance model for compliance. This shift acknowledges that compliance responsibilities should extend beyond a centralised team. Instead, organisations are encouraged to empower business functions at various levels to understand risk management and address non-conformities highlighted during audits. The focus extends to training across departments, allowing for a governance model that is seen as an enabler rather than an obstacle to growth.

Equally important is the concept of reengineering user experiences, a factor deemed vital to retaining customers and engaging employees. The report highlighted that interactions with technology should be seamless, prompting organisations to redesign their existing technology architecture to meet evolving user expectations. Challenges identified include the need to balance IT security with a positive user experience.

A significant driver of this transformation is the scaling up of AI use within businesses. As companies mature digitally, they are expected to investigate not only pilot programmes but also comprehensive strategies to integrate AI across operation levels, with an emphasis on achieving a return on investment. The realm of cybersecurity will see an increased need for AI as security threats grow in sophistication. The implementation of AI in defence mechanisms and augmented systems is going to be crucial.

Moreover, the democratisation of cybersecurity appears on the radar as businesses plan for future security measures. This approach entails making every employee within an organisation accountable for cybersecurity, thus promoting a culture of proactive security engagement. To support this effort, ongoing training and access to self-service tools for staff are vital.

In addition to technological enhancements, organisations are focusing on embracing sustainability amidst rising investments in Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) necessary for training deep learning models. Recognising the considerable energy requirements and carbon footprints associated with these technologies is prompting businesses to consider ways to reduce environmental impact while meeting compliance standards and catering to environmentally conscious consumers.

In summary, by prioritising these six key areas, businesses are positioning themselves to enhance operational efficiency, secure a competitive advantage, and adapt to the evolving challenges of the digital landscape as they approach 2025.

Source: Noah Wire Services

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